We are recruiting now for Paralegal Staff

Permanent, Freelance, Temps, Contract, Short Term, Long Term
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Permanent, Temp, Short Term, Long Term, Contract, Freelance.

Legal Employers will browse Profiles as necessary, select and we connect them to you direct.

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Looking for Paralegal Staff?
Permanent, Freelancers, Temps - Click and Connect 

Not Yet A Paralegal?

Qualify with a Paralegal Course online with OTC


All paralegals are vetted to ensure that they have legal knowledge or legal qualifications before being accepted onto our Platform.  Many have law degrees, diplomas and/or legal work experience.

Paralegals are unregulated and work under supervision of qualified solicitors, barristers, lawyers, attorneys.  

 Paralegals  -  Add Profile

 Employers  - Click and Connect


Job Site for Paralegals. Add your Profile for FREE



EmployParalegals is a subsidiary of Online Training College group of international colleges with registered head office at Belfry House, Bell Lane, Hertford, Hertfordshire, UK SG14 1BP

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